4R1190 - Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd
Wheel Loader
74.5 HP 4R1190NA ENGINE
- Naturally aspirated engine
- Engine mounted DOC (Diesel Oxidation Catalysts)
- No requirement of SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) and DPF (Diesel particulate filter)
- Engine Mounted Engine Control Unit
- All engine sensors/switches and wiring harness up to ECU is engine mounted
- Engine mounted main fuel filter with hand primer
- No change in engine mounting compared to BS-III (CEV) engine, Engine length is almost similar to BS-III engine. No change in front belt drive installation compare to BS-III engine
- Engine mounted air cleaner
- Roller tappet arrangement
- HLA arrangement for rocker lever
- Four valves per cylinder configuration
- Better thermal management for BS-IV and upcoming BS-V (CEV) emission