Farm Mechanization - Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd
KMW is the farm mechanisation brand of Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited.
KMW was created to vivify the company’s vision of empowering the world’s small and marginal farmers, with innovative farm machines.
Designing products based on consumer insights
Even before a new product is designed, KMW invests in gaining a deep understanding of the needs of farmers. This channels the company’s vast engineering expertise and experience in the agriculture sector into creating innovative and relevant products.
Mega T. A revolutionary farm machine created to fulfil the needs of farmers
Mega T is a live example of how an understanding of customer needs can create innovations that are relevant and successful. The Mega T range was designed to fulfil the unmet needs of farmers for safety, comfort and affordable productivity. This line of farm machines have created a new category in farming equipment.
Min T
This line of lightweight farm machines was designed to bring the benefits of mechanisation to farmers in challenging terrains. These machines are powerful enough to carry out tasks like weeding and tilling, and compact enough to work in narrow spaces and awkward corners.
The insights behind the design of Min T
Two insights have led to the creation of the Min T range.
They are:
- A significant percentage of farm land lies in the hilly areas of India. Since most tillers and other farming machines are too heavy and cumbersome to be transported uphill, farmers in hilly regions are denied the advantages of mechanisation.
- Farmers who grow row crops like vegetables are deprived of mechanisation products, as most of the products available are too wide to work the narrow rows required for their crops.
Min T. Powerful productivity in a small size
The Min T line of compact, lightweight farm machines offers benefits such as:
- The ability to increase farming productivity at high altitudes.
- Ease of transportation in hilly areas.
- Fast and efficient weeding in rows as narrow as 4.5 feet.
- 5-8 HP of power to carry out farming tasks required in hilly areas and in narrow rows.